B2B Buyers have made the shift to Digital, Have You?
"Just Google It" is the new magic word on every B2B buyers mouth. Empowered 24 X 7 with smartphones, Buyers are KINGS. Thats right gone are the days when sellers were kings as buyers
had little or few choices. Google SEARCH is more relevant today than ever before because there is so much content out there. Everybody is rushing to create, publish and promote more content in the race to survive the digital age. But wouldnt it be better if you could influence a curated community of industry leaders and professionals on a regular basis to create awareness, demand generation and build a steady pipeline of qualified leads???
VALVE SOLUTIONS is a share ready B2B digital platform to help you achieve your B2B Content marketing goals so you dont have to build your own social media channels and focus on what you do best. Our 20000+ members across our social media channels are Manufacturers, Buyers, Endusers, Industry Leaders from the Global Valves and Controls Industry. The magnitude of this digital wave is so high that online visitors are the new channels for success in business. Most B2B buyers are researching various products and services based on articles, case studies, success stories. Therefore it is highly imperative to capture their contacts at the early stage. However most B2B companies have got it completely wrong by sharing pictures of orders completed which only gets you the envy and attention of your competitors.
Our customised B2B Content marketing solutions are tailored around your marketing needs. Through our Publisher Plan you could publish your articles with links to your website. These posts will remain indefinitely on our high traffic blog and will continue get you the attention of Industry leaders. Thus driving a steady flow of quality visitors to your website. Quality inbound leads are the new currency in todays digital world. With over 90% of the worlds data produced in just the last few years you can be pretty sure that your website is quite unlikely to be found through search either. For more on Pricing [Click Here]
If you are seeking assistance with regards to Content writing please head over to the [Content writing] section wherein you will find a few usefull resources to help you with writing articles, case studies etc. However if you are in need for more professional articles, our inhouse experts can add a lot of value to your articles creating a rich and positive reader experience.
How does the Linkedin Group Email Marketing Work? View this Slide
Get upto speed with benchmarks, trends and budgets going into 2018. View the results of the survey in the slide presentation below. Please be so kind to Share this to unlock this presentation.
B2B Content Marketing 2017 - Benchmarks, Budgets & Trends - North America from Content Marketing Institute
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