When installing a completely new DCS system, BP Refinery in Rotterdam recently implemented a unique program in the world to integrate ov...
When installing a completely new DCS system, BP Refinery in Rotterdam recently implemented a unique program in the world to integrate over 1200 actuators in its tankfarm using Auma's Profibus communication system.
One of the key advantages of the profibus open field communications is its signal response time in the process plants.Auma achieved a response time of 2 seconds between a 30 actuator field signal and a return signal from all these actuators, thus establishing itself as the fastest system in-house with profibus.
Maintenance is just a few clicks away with the advanced profibus system. a seperate PC runs all the maintenance functions and maintenance engineers can view, modify individual actuator settings including specific parameters by just a few clicks, this has largely reduced frequent field visits for maintenance issues.
Auma's profibus communication system has done away with over 120kms of cables at BP's refinery. Fault and failure analysis is very fast with the profibus system. The availability of the system is also much higher. This higher uptime has resulted in better bottomline figures.
Profibus being an open system facilitates addition of new instruments to the infrastructure with much ease. Though this technology is very new in this field, the successfull implementaion clearly indicates profibus will be clear market leaders in the future.